Company name: SIA ”UŽAVAS ALUS”
Registration number: 41201005223
VAT registration number: LV 41201005223
Legal and factual address: “Alutiņi”, Užava Parish, Ventspils District, LV-3627, LATVIJA
Billing accounts:
Swedbank AS, Swift code: HABALV22
Account: LV15 HABA055 1005 7978 25
Luminor Bank AS, Swift code: RIKOLV2X
Account: LV21 RIKO000 2930 2714 66
Citadele banka AS, Swift code: PARXLV22
Account: LV55 PARX001 2746 7651 23
Accounting / Sales Department
Opening hours: 9:00-17:00
Order taking: 9:00–16:00
Phone No. (1): +371 26 355 227
Phone No.(2) +371 22 039 021
Director Irēna Pumpura
Phone No. +371 29 219 145
Comercial Power of attorney: Pilnvara I. Pumpura .pdf
Deputy Director O.Pumpurs +371 29 365 493
Brewery taproom technicians
Kurzeme district – SIA “UŽAVAS ALUS”
Ēriks Jaunozols, +371 29 477 472
Vidzeme and Zemgale districts – cooperation partner SIA “I ECO”
Armands Students, +371 28 353 931
Assembly/disassembly of umbrellas and tents
Cooperation partner SIA “Compact Tent”
Edmunds Smirnovs, +371 26 333 226
How to find us
Užavas Beer brewery is located 27 km away from Ventspils.
Route: Ventspils – Kuldīga - Liepāja road (P108, P111), approximately 3 km after the village of Užava (road sign Užava), driving towards Liepāja City, you will see the brewery on the left side of the road.

Contact us